
Yesterday, the Americans and the Germans traveled to Tübingen. When we arrived we had a few minutes to kill, so we played frisbee in the park, of course (well, some of us). Our first adventure was punting on the Neckar river. We were in boats of 12 people with one guide. We went up and down the river, some of us even tried punting (which is like paddling with a stick). If you look carefully at the pictures, you will see some of us 'driving' the boats. After our boating adventure we were let loose on the streets of Tübingen. Many of us grabbed some lunch and then wandered around, gawking at the beautiful old buildings. Tübingen is a very old university town with many nice student houses, etc...
A cool fact - every little German town has at least 10,000 places to get ice cream!
We met back with each other at the park, and then took the train back to Stuttgart.


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